演讲嘉宾 >> 2019讲者
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迈向北京HTAi 2020
面向未来,共迎HTAi 2020
Iñaki Gutierrez Ibarluzea,HTAi主席(西班牙) Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, President of HTAi. BSc and MSc in Sciences from the University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU, Doctor in Sciences (NeuroScience) from the same university, Masters in Epidemiology from the University of Granada and the Andalusian School of Public Health and Masters in Bioethics from the University Ramon Llul and the Institute Borja of Bioethics. He is the coordinator of the early warning and alert system on new and emerging health technologies of Osteba, Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment. I?aki is the co-chair of the HTAi IG on Disinvestment and Early Awareness, and a member of the information resources IG of HTAi and the liaison person of the Public Health and Nutrition IG. He has collaborated on the European Union funded projects such as InnoHTA (Innovation and HTA), EUnetHTA (European Network for HTA), PHGEN I and II (Public Health Genomics) ALCOVE (Alzheimer in Europe), PerMed (Personalised Medicine), DISCHARGE and Health Cluster Network, performing different functions. He has also coordinated various projects at the Spanish level such as: GENTecS (Group for the Evaluation of New Technologies in Health) and the Information Resources group.
He was a member of the Board of Directors (2010-2012) and Secretary of the International Society HTAi (2012-2014). He has been the chairman of EuroScan International Network for the identification and evaluation of new and emerging health technologies in the period (2007-2010), vice-chair in the periods (2005-2007) and (2010-2011). He is currently the Vice Chair of EuroScan. I?aki is also an associated professor in the School of Nursing of Osakidetza Basque Health Service and works with the University of the Basque Country and the Open University of Catalonia in different academic activities. He has also participated as an advisor in different call for funds at the local, regional, country (Spain, Poland, Korea and UK) and the European Union levels (FP7, COST and?Horizon 2020). He has been a member of the International Scientific Committee of the Health Innovation Awards of the NHS-North West 2009 (United Kingdom).
He has collaborated with the Spanish Ministry of Industry and the Spanish Observatory for Prospective Technological Studies and is a member and coordinator of the Task Force for Genomics and Public Health. He has also participated as expert advisor in the forum for social cohesion between the EU and Mexico (2010). Recently, he has collaborated with WHO-Europe as expert advisor and evaluator on the program of Medical Devices for Countries with limited resources. I?aki has been advising different HTA initiatives in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, South Africa, Tunisia, Israel, the Horizon Scanning initiative of EEUU and Italy, WHO-EMRO region, WHO health technologies unit and is member of the HTA glossary committee. As member of the Basque Ministry of Health I?aki has relevant experience on Chronic diseases and its management (http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/pdf/active-healthy-ageing/basque.pdf). In 2016 he served as co-chair of the ISPC of HTAi Tokyo 2017 and he has been member or the ISPCs in HTAi Oslo.
Wija Oortwijn,HTAi副主席(荷兰) Dr. Wija Oortwijn, studied health sciences and holds a PhD in Medicine. Currently, Wija is employed at the Radboud University Medical Centre, Department for Health Evidence, in the field of international HTA (based in Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and is Vice President of the International Society for HTA (HTAi).
Since 1993, she is extensively involved in the development of HTA and health system strengthening around the world. She co-coordinated and participated in the pioneering EUR-ASSESS project (1994-1997), the first European Commission-funded project to develop coordination of HTA activities in Europe, and its successors, HTA-Europe and ECHAHI/ECHTA. These projects laid the foundation of establishing a formal basis for HTA collaboration in Europe (i.e. EUnetHTA). Currently, she is working on guidance for institutionalizing HTA mechanisms for legitimate coverage decision making, in collaboration with WHO.
She is a founding Member of the Dutch (NVTAG) and HTAi. Currently, she is a member of the HTAi Scientific Development and Capacity Building Advisory Committee, co-chairing the International Working Group to update the definition of HTA, and is associate editor of the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. Furthermore, she was the scientific secretary of HTAi’s Global Policy Forum from June 2016 until June 2019.
Brendon Kearney,HTAi 2020北京会议ISPC共同主席(澳大利亚) Works as a Consultant Physician, Haematology Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, and is Site Clinical Director RAH, SA Pathology.
He is a past chair of Euroscan International and chairs Health PACT, National and International Committees that advise on new and emerging health technologies.
He chairs the Population Health Research Network which is building a national data linkage system for health researchers.
He has been Chair of the SA Health Commission, CEO, Royal Adelaide Hospital, and Director, Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, and has been awarded the Sidney Sax Medal and an AM for his work in health.
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