Kolipso:HTA To Inform Benefits Package Design And Reimbursement Decisions: The Experience of NICE And Beyond

“Kalipso Chalkidou was the founding director of NICE’s international programme and is now leading the international Decision Support Initiative from Imperial College London. Her work has focused on helping governments build technical and institutional capacity for using evidence to inform health policy. She is interested in how local information, local expertise and local institutions can drive scientific and legitimate healthcare resource allocation decisions. She has been involved in the Chinese rural health reform and also in national health reform projects in Colombia, Turkey and the Middle East, working with the World Bank, PAHO, DFID and the Inter-American Development Bank as well as national governments. Between 2007 and 2008, she spent a year at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, as a Harkness fellow in Health Policy and Practice, studying how comparative effectiveness research can inform policy and US government drug pricing policies.

She holds a doctorate on the molecular biology of prostate cancer from the University of Newcastle (UK), an MD (Hons) from the University of Athens and is a visiting Professor at King’s College London, a senior advisor on international policy at the Center for Medical Technology Policy (USA) and visiting faculty at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute for Bioethics.”

Don:HTA in Canada – New Challenges and New Opportunities

Dr. Juzwishin is the Director of Health Technology Assessment and Innovation at Alberta Health Services (AHS). Don leads a team to situate AHS at the forefront in the creation, validation and application of evidence, about new and emerging health care technologies, to inform health care decisions and policy with a particular emphasis on innovating and transforming the Alberta health care system to achieve improved patient outcomes and sustainability.

Don was recognized in 2014 as a recipient of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Anniversary Medal celebrating individuals who played a key role in founding and pioneering the use of HTA in Canada. Don is a member of the Alberta Advisory Committee on

Health Technologies assisting the government and Alberta Health Services in the review of health technologies considered for public funding. With over 35 years of service in health care, Dr. Juzwishin, was CEO of the Health Council of Canada reporting on the progress of health care reform in Canada. Before this, he was the Director of HTA at the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research where he led a team of researchers responding to HTA requests from government, health authorities and provider organizations. During this period Don worked at the provincial and national levels encouraging and paving the way for the adoption of health technology assessment in hospitals and health authorities. Don was successful in introducing the first health authority technology assessment process at the Greater Victoria Hospital Society in British Columbia. He served as the British Columbia representative to the Board of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, was elected vice chair in 1997, and chair in 1998. Don served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Society for International Health and as chair of the CSIH Advisory Board responsible for the Partners in Health Program. In 1997 he received an award in recognition of contributions made towards public administration and health reform in Ukraine. Don was elected to the Board of Directors of Health Technology Assessment International as Treasurer for a three year term (2015 – 2018).

Don is a Fellow of the Canadian Council of Health Leaders and serves on its Ethics Council, Fellows Council and on the Editorial Board of Canadian Healthcare Management. Don has extensive experience in leadership with research funding agencies, hospitals, health authorities, government, the private sector, and universities. Don earned a PhD in educational policy studies with research examining the use of scientific evidence to inform health care reform in western Canada. Don developed the STEEPLE model for guiding researchers and policy makers on the pathway and process for undertaking and applying health technology assessments. The process is utilized by the Alberta Advisory Committee on Health Technologies. Don is an active co investigator and collaborator to several health systems research projects (Locator, PACEOMICS, AGE-WELL) developing tools for improving policy and decision making in health care delivery.

Don has served as a consultant to the World Health Organization section on HTA of medical devices. He is co-author of the WHO publication Health Technology Assessment of Medical

Devices. Don has been active mentoring and facilitating adoption of HTA in Ukraine, Romania, Mexico, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan and China. Don has served on the INAHTA Board as well as Working Groups on Education and on Ethics, and was acting chair of the Public Agencies SIG of HTAi. Don is an active mentor and educator with active adjunct associate professor positions in Public Health Sciences at the University of Alberta, Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary and Health Information Science at the University of Victoria. Don actively mentors students in health technology assessment and health care policy making in Canada and globally.

Goodman:HTA in the US: Emphasis on Value

Clifford Goodman, PhD, is a Senior Vice President at The Lewin Group, a health care policy consulting firm based in Falls, Church, Virginia.  Dr. Goodman has 30 years of experience in such areas as health technology assessment (HTA), evidence-based health care, comparative effectiveness research, health economics, and studies pertaining to health care innovation, regulation, and payment.  He directs studies and projects for an international range of government agencies; pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies; health care provider institutions; and professional, industry, and patient advocacy groups.  His recent work has involved such areas as oncology, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, blood disorders, obesity, end-stage renal disease, HIV/AIDS, follow-on biologics, diagnostic testing, pharmacogenomics, personalized medicine, and organ donation and transplantation.  Dr. Goodman is an internationally recognized health policy issues moderator and facilitator of expert panels, health industry advisory boards, and workshops.  He has served as special consultant on HTA to the China National Health Development and Research Center, Ministry of Health (National Health and Family Planning Commission), People’s Republic of China.  Dr. Goodman served as Chair of the Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC, 2009-12) for the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  Heserved as President of the professional society, Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi, 2011-13), and is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).  He received a PhD from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Science from The Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University.  Dr. Goodman is author of HTA 101: Introduction to Health Technology Assessment, available on the US National Library of Medicine website:  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/nichsr/hta101/ta10103.html


Professor Kun Zhao is the director of division of health policy evaluation and technology assessment in China National Health Development Research Center of MoH, and she got her MD from China Medical University and MHSc in Health Care and Epidemiology from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada and PhD in Health Economics Evaluation in the University of Waterloo in Canada. Since 2007, Dr. Zhao plays the leading role in HTA training programs in China, and as the principle investigator undertakes a series of HTA projects for MoH such as the technology assessment of hemo and peritoneal dialysis in China for ESRD patients, the assessment of Proton & Heavy Ion radiation treatment device , the assessment of Da Vinci robot surgical system, national wide clinical pathway evaluation, the cost-effectiveness analyses on models of stroke treatment, the disease control priority setting in China for increasing by 1 year life expectancy, the evaluation of “12.5” health planning implementation, prioritization of maternal and children care program by applying One Health Tool, the cost –effectiveness analysis of HBV and HCV treatment package, the cost-effectiveness analysis of the vaccination preventing COPD from acute exacerbation. Since 2010 Dr Zhao as a PI has been working with NICE international to conduct a polite study of optimizing diagnosis and treatment technology accompanying to provider payment reform in rural China. Also Dr Zhao is a member of ACE of Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition, ISPOR Asianet HTA Chair (2014-2016) and ISPOR HTA council committee member, and core author of university textbook of China HTA, and Program Evaluation. From 2009 to 2015, she got over 30 papers published in peer-review journals. 

国家卫计委卫生发展研究中心卫生政策与技术评估研究室赵琨教授,从中国医科大学获得医 学学位,加拿大英署哥伦比亚大学卫生服务与流行病学硕士和滑铁卢大学卫生经济学评价博 士学位。自2007年,赵琨在中国卫生技术评估体系建设与培训上发挥积极引导作用,作为课 题负责人带领团队承担多项国家卫生计生委委托的卫生技术评估工作,如,终末期肾病腹透与血透技术评估,质子重离子放射治疗技术评估,达芬奇手术机器人操作系统技术评估,国家临床路径评估,脑卒中治疗技术经济学评价,促进期望寿命年增长一岁的优先领域确定,12.5卫生发展规划评估,促进妇幼健康优先领域确定,乙肝和丙肝治疗经济评价,疫苗预防慢阻肺急性发作的经济学评价等。 自2010年,赵琨作为项目负责人与NICE 国际部开展了中国农村地区临床诊治技术优化和支付方式改革试点项目。赵琨作为国际疾病控制优先领域专家咨询委员会委员,作为国际药物经济学卫生技术评估咨询委员会委员和亚太区卫生技术评估主席。作为主编出版了卫生技术评估理论与方法专著,并组织参与卫生技术评估12.5 规划教材等工作。自2009年到2015年在核心杂志上发表过30篇以上文章.


李幼平四川大学华西医院循证医学研究中心主任、研究员、博士生导师。先后领导创建中国循证医学中心、中国Cochrane中心、WHO国际临床试验注册平台中国临床试验注册中心、循证医学教育部网上合作研究中心、《中国循证医学杂志》、《Journal Of Evidence-based Medicine》、卫生部移植工程与移植免疫重点实验室,并任主任、学术带头人和主编。先后获卫生部有突出贡献专家、省学术技术带头人。1986年获医学硕士学位,96年从美国应召回国后开始致力于创建中国循证医学事业,负责科室的学科、平台、梯队、知名度建设。在循证医学方向主攻循证决策与管理,先后负责CMB、AusAid、WHO、卫生部、科技部、教育部、国家食品药品监督管理局等部门和单位的循证医学重大科研项目。2002年起任WHO基本药物目录遴选和评审专家,参加5届WHOEML遴选和评价。近8年共发表论文598篇,含SCI122篇,Medline64篇,EMbase114篇,核心期刊87篇。主编高教社《循证医学》本科生规划教材第1-3版;人卫社《循证医学》研究生规划教材第1版;《循证用药手册》基本药物分册(化学药品和生物制品)丛书。







董恒进教授1983年上海医科大学学士,1986年上海医科大学硕士,1991年英国里兹大学卫生政策与管理文学硕士,2000年瑞典卡尔琳斯卡医学院国际卫生博士。1986-2000年在上海医科大学工作,历任医院管理教研室主任与公卫院长助理,1997年被聘为教授,2000年为博士生导师。2000-2004年为德国海徳堡大学博士后、高级讲师,2004-2006年为英国Brunel大学高级研究员,2006-2009年为德国海徳堡大学国际卫生经济与技术评估研究组主任。现任职浙江大学医学部卫生政策学研究中心主任。学术兼职有BMC Health Services Research副主编,国际药物经济学杂志的编委,Health Research Policy and Systems杂志编委,欧盟印度微保险研究项目的专家顾问委员。在中国与国际卫生领域杂志上共发表过100多篇文章.

Ellen: Intellectual Property and High Drug Prices

Ellen ‘t Hoen, LLM. is a lawyer and public health advocate with over 30 years of experience working on pharmaceutical and intellectual property policies.

From 1999 until 2009 she was the director of policy for Médecins sans Frontières’ Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines. In 2009 she joined UNITAID in Geneva to set up the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), an initiative that negotiates patent licenses with pharmaceutical companies to ensure access to affordable generic medicines for the treatment of HIV. Her TED Talk about the Medicines Patent Pool is available here. She was the MPP’s first executive director until 2012.

She has published widely and is the author of several books. Her latest book “Private Patents and Public Health: Changing intellectual property rules for public health.” was published July 2016.  

She is a member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Policies and Management, the Lancet Commission on Essential Medicines, the Advisory Board of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) and the Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Health Policy.

In 2005, 2006, 2010 and 2011 she was listed as one of the 50 most influential people in intellectual property by the journal Managing Intellectual Property.

Ellen ‘t Hoen is an independent consultant in medicines law and policy to a number of of international organisations and governments and a researcher at the Global Health Unit of the University Medical Centre at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

胡善联: Elimination of Hepatitis C Virus: What PE Evaluation Can Do?

胡善联 复旦大学公共卫生学院卫生经济学教授. 博士生导师。目前担任的社会工作有上海市卫生发展研究中心首席顾问,国家卫生和计划生育委员公共政策专家咨询委员会委员,中国消灭脊髓灰质炎论证专家委员会委员。中国卫生经济学会卫生技术评估专业委员会副主任委员、中国中药协会药物经济学专业委员会顾问。


Shanlian Hu. MD. MSc. Professor of Health Economics, School of Public

Health, Fudan University.  At present, he has several social

responsibilities, such as the senior consultant of Shanghai Health Development Research Center, member of Advisory Committee of Public Policy in National Health and Family Planning Commission, member of China Eradication of Poliomyelitis Committee, Deputy Director of Health Technology Assessment Sub-Committee, Chinese Health Economics Association, Senior consultant of Pharmacoeconomics Sub-Committee of China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He was the member of State Counsel Advisory Committee on Deepening Health Care System Reform (2001-2015), Director of Shanghai Health Development Research Center (2008-2016), Deputy Director of China Health Economic Institute (1993-2000), Coordinator of Training and Research Network in China Health Economics (1992-2005), Deputy Dean, School of Public Health, Shanghai Medical University (1985-1992) and Director of Training Center for Health Management(1985-2000), Director of Pharmacoeconomics Evaluation and Research Center in Fudan University. Member of Steering Committee, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, the World Health Organization, Board Member of International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) , and the Chairman of Asian ISPOR(2008-2010), as well as a temporary consultant for WHO, World Bank, UNICEF and AUSAID.  

施李正: Practical Solutions When Facing Cost Sharing for High-Priced Drugs: US Experience

Lizheng Shi, PhD, MsPharm, has trained as a pharmacist (B.S. in pharmacy 1992, M.S. in pharmacy 1994) through Shanghai Medical University and Peking Union Medical College, respectively. He has also trained as an economist (M.A. in economics 1998, PhD in pharmaceutical economics and policy 2001) through the University of Southern California. He is the Regents Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Global Health Management and Policy at School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and Clinical Associate Professor in Department of Medicine (Section of Endocrinology) and Department of Psychiatry. He is the Director for Health Systems Analytics Research Center (HSARC). He is a member of editorial board for Pharmacoeconomics.  Dr. Shi’s current research interest includes health technology assessment and health care quality, access, and evaluation. He is also interested in pharmacoepidemilogy with a focus on safety issues in medication treatment and medical informatics to improve quality and safety of patient care.  He has published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and served as principal investigators (PI) and co-PI for more than 30 research grants and contracts from NIH, AHRQ, PCORI, and other public and private funding sources.

于浩: Certificate-of-Need Laws in the U.S.: A Review


李斌: 磁共振影像设备工程性能服务评价













三年硕士研究生, 两年多外企工作,四次国外专业技术培训









胡泽斌: 干细胞治疗技术安全性评估



王立生: 大规模间充质干细胞培养技术评估

王立生,军事医学科学院放射与辐射医学研究所研究员,博士生导师。主要研究方向为细胞及基因治疗的基础与应用研究。曾承担国家“重大新药创制”、“973”、“863”、国家自然科学基金等20余项课题。负责完成了2项重组腺病毒基因治疗药物的临床前研究。其研究成果将干细胞和基因治疗结合应用于治疗缺血性疾病、放射性损伤以及肿瘤等多种疾病的治疗。共获得新药临床批文3项;获得国家科技进步二等奖、北京市、军队等科技进步一等奖3项;在Blood、Caner Cell、Hepatology、Gene Therapy发表 SCI论文70余篇;获得国家发明专利3项。

吴朝晖: 新技术评估的体会和思考








应晓华,博士、教授,博士生导师,卫生部卫生技术评估重点实验室副主任,复旦大学卫生经济学教研室副主任,《中国卫生资源》杂志编委、中国卫生信息学会卫生管理统计专委会委员,中国卫生经济学会医疗保险专委会委员,上海公共卫生管理专业委员会委员。已主持完成国家自然科学基金3项,卫生部、国家发改委、WHO、UN、欧盟、地方政府委托课题30 多项,共发表论文60 余篇,专著1 部,曾获上海市科技进步奖二等奖和中华预防医学会科学技术三等奖,以及多次全国性论坛/协会的论文奖项。







Yu Baorong, professor of health economics and policy in School of Insurance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics. His research fields include Health System Development, Health Economics, Health Insurance, health care costing and provider payment system, aging and long term care. He got Medical Doctor and Master of Public Health in Shandong Medical University and Ph.D of Health Care Economics in Tokyo Medical and Dental University. He ever worked in the Department of Planning & Finance, the Ministry of Health (MOH), China, Shandong University, and the World Health Organization (WHO), China office, as senior national professional officer; ever worked as consultant for WHO, World Bank, EU Commission, Aus-Aid, and also for the MOH, the Ministry of Human Resource & Social Security, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China.





徐玮(1968.4- ),浙江省杭州市医疗保险管理服务局党委副书记、副局长。2001年起参与杭州市医疗保障制度改革以及各项政策的制定和贯彻落实工作。




杨海 上海市第六人民医院医学装备处副处长 副研究员












卫生政策及卫生经济学博士, 药物市场管理硕士,

所长,教授,中山大学药学院医药经济研究所, 中山大学, 广州


顾问教授, 复旦大学公共卫生学院, 复旦大学, 上海

临床教授,美国佛罗里达州大学药学院, 博士生导师

兼职教授,美国罗杰斯大学药学院, 博士生导师



研究员, 国家药物政策与医药产业经济研究中心



宣建伟博士拥有超过20年的教学及研究工作经验,宣博士在临床研究,卫生经济学、政策研究及市场准入与结果研究等领域发表了多篇学术文章。他与全球KOLs建立了广泛的专业网络,主持过众多全球政策论坛、咨询委员会及政府/付费人的小组讨论并多次为中国发改委,卫生部,社保部做讲座及支持政策研究。 他是ISPOR亚洲联盟咨询委员会的现任主席。他在科研,教学、博士研究生的指导、政府官员、研究人员及各种医疗保健服务研究者的培训方面也拥有丰富经验。













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